Thursday, January 19, 2012

Gemcom Surpacâ„¢ geology and mine planning software

Integrated Geology, Resource Modelling, Mine Planning and Production

Gemcom Surpac™ is the world’s most popular geology and mine planning software, supporting open pit and underground operations and exploration projects in more than 110 countries. The software delivers efficiency and accuracy through ease-of-use, powerful 3D graphics and workflow automation that can be aligned to company-specific processes and data flows.
Surpac addresses all the requirements of geologists, surveyors, and mining engineers in the resource sector and is flexible enough to be suitable for every commodity, orebody and mining method. Its multilingual capabilities allow global companies to support a common solution across their operations.

Surpac Benefits

  • Comprehensive tools include: drillhole data management, geological modelling, block modelling, geostatistics, mine design, mine planning, resource estimation, and more.
  • Increased efficiencies within teams result from better sharing of data, skills and project knowledge.
  • All tasks in Surpac can be automated and aligned to company-specific processes and data flows.
  • Software ease-of-use ensures staff develop an understanding of the system and of project data quickly.
  • Surpac is modular and easily customised.
  • Surpac reduces data duplication by connecting to relational databases and interfacing with common file formats from GIS, CAD and other systems.
  • Integrated production scheduling with Gemcom MineSched™.
  • Multilingual support: English, Chinese, Russian, Spanish, German and French.

Surpac Editions

The following Surpac editions offer common tools for quarry operations and exploration projects.

MineScape 5 Announcement

Mitrais and Mincom have publicly announced the availability of MineScape 5 in Indonesia.

What’s New in MineScape 5

MineScape 5 is a significant advancement in the product user interface and workflow - which can lead to productivity and efficiency gains for a Mining enterprise. Some of the exciting new features include:
  • Easy-to-Use, Graphical User Interface
  • Significantly improved graphics performance
  • Dual monitor support
  • Tear off the graphics window to a second monitor
  • Customizable toolbars
  • Easier to use, WYSIWYG plotting setup, batch plotting and image support
  • Project accessibility improvements
  • Redesigned Explorer with windows style searching and sorting
  • New table editor with group by area function
  • Open Cut Planning improvements
  • Dragline improvements
  • Plug-in architecture with an API provides integration opportunities to in-house and other applications
Click here to view more details about what’s new in MineScape 5.
Click here to view a Question and Answer document about MineScape 5.

MineScape Mine Planning and Design Software

Specifically developed to meet the mining industry’s rigorous demands, MineScape is used at more than 100 Indonesian coal mines. MineScape is a suite of integrated solutions designed for open cut and underground mining operations. It delivers extensive geological modelling and mine design functionality – making it the leading mine planning solution in Indonesia. Incorporating many features, MineScape offers exceptional ease-of-use through:
  • A Graphical Task interface (GTi), which seamlessly merges MineScape’s various functions.
  • Intuitive familiar working environment.
  • True simultaneous multi-user access to all 3D data and models.
  • Advanced 3D CAD support.
  • MineScape Explorer to browse projects and manipulate data.
  • Multi-user support in a network environment.
  • Complex stratigraphic modelling functionality including reverse faulting.
  • Integration of the geological database with modelling and the 3D graphics environment.
All MineScape products are fully integrated and provide multi-user access to a single database in a network environment. Each product performs a specific range of data processing and mine planning functions.

MineScape Products Feature

Core MineScape

Core MineScape, the ‘base’ product, is mandatory for all Mincom MineScape products and comprises:
  • A fully-integrated, miningbased 3D CAD system.
  • Custom programming
  • Comprehensive miningoriented function library including surface manipulation, gridding, transaction and spreadsheet management facilities.
  • Custom reporting.
  • Direct viewing of AutoCAD ESRI shape files.
  • Comprehensive plotting functionality.

Block Model

Perform efficient and accurate 3D modelling of nonstratigraphic deposits using MineScape’s in-built CAD system to view and manipulate the models. Generate 3D deposit models with interpretation of geologic data for definition of wireframe solids and export to third party optimisation tools such as Whittle 4D.
Block Model screenshot

Geological Database (GDB)

Store downhole survey, lithology and quality data, produce ‘standard’, summary and user-defined reports and graphically display the downhole data. GDB displays lithology, intervals, geophysics and correlation and contains specialised compositing and washability functions.


Perform complex stratigraphic modelling functions including reverse faulting. Interactively manipulate 3D model elements including 3D rendered displays in any orientation.

Drill & Blast

Use the interactive 3D CAD environment to quickly lay out an optimum blast pattern, project holes to surfaces and export hole layout reports to GPS-equipped drill rigs. Drill & Blast is integrated to produce quick blast exclusion zones.


Design haul roads interactively in 3D. Determine cut and fill requirements for mass balancing and optimisation. Automatically generate reports for survey and construction personnel in graphical or text formats.
Drill & Blast screenshot

Open Cut

Generate and test mine designs for short-term production operations and long-term feasibility studies. Use MineScape’s 3D CAD tools to visualise and graphically interact with the design at any stage.

Grade Blocking

Interactively create grade blocks using the most accurate information available to calculate reserves and to graphically cue the production planner.


Generate survey instructions automatically from mine plans. Input survey results from a field recorder or field book directly into the MineScape database. Generate production reports and plans and use the database information for further short-term planning, reclamation and reconciliation.


Optimise the mining method and sequence by providing forecasts of material movement and machine activities for longterm and short-term operations.

[KUPANG] Kepala Dinas (Kadis) Pertambangan dan Energi Provinsi NTT, Danny Suhadi, di Kupang, (19/1), menegaskan, pada tahun  anggaran 2012, ada empat perusahaan yang akan melanjutkan eksplorasi atau penelusuran kandungan bahan tambang bernilai ekonomis di Provinsi NTT.  

Keempat perusahaan tersebut mengeksplorasi area potensi tambang di Pulau Flores dan Pulau Sumba, seperti  eksplorasi emas di Sumba Tengah dan Sumba Barat, eksplorasi biji emas di Nagekeo, Ngada,  serta dua perusahaan eksplorasi mangan masing-masing di Kabupaten Ngada, Manggarai Timur, Manggarai,  dan Manggarai Barat.   

Perusahaan yang tetap melakukan eksplorasi antara lain, PT Fathi Resouces, lokasi eksplorasi di Kabupaten Sumba Timur dan Sumba Tengah, PT  Mahidana  di Manggarai, PT Indomineratama di Ngada dan Kabupaten Nagekeo, dan Kabupaten Ende oleh PT Nusa Mineral.      

Danny menjelaskan, di antara eksplorasi tersebut, sudah ada yang berlangsung sejak tahun 2007. Dijelaskan, Dinas Pertambangan dan Energi Provinsi NTT yang memfasilitasi investor melakukan penambangan di dua atau lebih wilayah yang ada di kabupaten/kota. (copy from suara pembangunan)

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